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BMW The Clever Car - The Clever Car video.
The Clever Car video featuring the innovative BMW Clever Car.

Electric Scooters - Vectrix Electric Scooter - Electric Scooters Video - Electric Scooters USA

Electric Scooters - Vectrix Electric Scooter - Electric Scooters Video - Electric Scooters 2008 - 2009

Electric scooters are becoming the rage, replacing conventional gas-powered scooters as feul prices continue to climb. Electric scooters are virtually maintainance free, much quieter than gas-powered scooters and are easier on the environment than gas-powered scooters.

In a video that electric scooter enthusiasts won't want to miss, see the new Vetrix Electric Scooter in production and on the road. Learn why motorized electric scooters are making gasoline engine scooters a thing of the past.

Electric Scooters - Vectrix Electric Scooter - Electric Scooters Video - Electric Scooters USA, electric scooters, Electric Vehicle, scooter, motor scooters, motorized scooters, scootersThe Custom Car Cruiser: videos of the the cool, fast, exotic, hybrid, electric, muscle and sports cars you want to watch. Also features electric vehicles and electric scooters.
